One of the frequently asked questions - does a tourist company need a website? Indeed, you can have pages on Facebook or Instagram, be pointed on electronic maps, and it seems like website is not needed. Similarly, if we consider hotels, you can place information on or Tripadvisor and also do not have your website. It is appropriate for some businesses but tourism has its own features. 1. The average bill in the tourism sector is quite high, so potential customers are more responsible in choosing a product and absence of website of a hotel or travel agency might cause concern. 2. According to studies, before making a purchase a tourist visits an average of 37 sites. What happens if among these sites no one is yours – it Is obviously. 3. As already mentioned – the main selling tool in tourism is trust. Having a good professional website will only strengthen it, since only a stable and well-organized company that cares for its reputation can create and maintain a...